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The Dynamoe
Papa's Hot Doggeria HD Debutant
The Dynamoe with background
Alternative Styles
Info Relatives
Gender Male TBA
Flipdeck ---
Occupation Moe's Lair Owner.
Hometown Unknown
Holiday Unknown
Closer n/a
Loves Hates
Unknown Unknown

The Dynamoe is a male character that makes his first appearance in Papa's Hot Doggeria HD. His secret identity is Moe, owner of Moe's Lair, a comic and cards shop located in Tastyville.


The Dynamoe wears a red mask that has a pair of demon ears sticking out of his hair and a black eye outline. He wears a dark blue collared shirt with light green buttons and a red tie underneath crimson red jacket with black collar, pockets, and golden yellow polka dots. He also wears black and blue-colored pinstripe pants and crimson red sneakers with black soles and golden yellow laces. He also dons a black cape and a pair of short, white gloves.

