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This article is about a canon (real) info created by Flipline Studios, since this community is about principally fan canon (fictional) content the info of this article cloud include inforamtion refered with the Flipline Studios Wiki. Please to make refer the factual information from Flipline Studios Wiki visit their community article or click the next hyperlink if that appears.1
Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack! Debutant
Alternative Styles
Robby B

[imageC = Robby (Original)

Info Relatives
Gender Male Unknown
Flipdeck 73
Occupation Shrimp Boat Deckhand
Hometown Unknown
Holiday Unknown
Closer Papa's Taco Mia! Papa's Freezeria Papa's Burgeria HD Papa's Burgeria To Go! Papa's Freezeria HD Papa's Freezeria To Go! Papa's Taco Mia HD
Loves Hates
Unknown Unknown

Robby is a male customer who first appeared in Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack!.

Flipdeck Info[]

Hometown: Tastyville
Occupation: Deckhand
Loves: Guacamole
Hates: Shrimp

Robby once lived in the apartments above Papa's Pizzeria. Having spent all his rent money on pizzas, Robby desperately needed a job. He soon found an opening as a deckhand aboard a small shrimp boat for the summer. The voyage went awry when a rogue wave capsized the boat and sent him drifting to an uncharted island. After 3 lonely years, he was spotted and rescued by Captain Cori.


Papa's Pizzeria[]

In his first appearance, Robby had no hair bandana. His shaved facial hair wasn't shown, making him look younger. His left eye was still normal. His shirt had blue stripes and no anchor symbol. His shoes were light brown with aqua green laces.

post Taco Mia![]

Present: Robby now has a red bandana. He has shaved facial hair, making him appear older. His shirt's sleeves became longer and his stripes are now white with an anchor in the middle. In the bottom of the shirt and at the end of his sleeves, it looks torn. His right eye is now halfway shut. His shoes are darker and his laces are now red. He got a minor tan in Papa's Hot Doggeria.


  • He is the first and only customer to be absent from more than one game since his debut (Burgeria and Pancakeria).
  • As the final customer to arrive on Day 2 in Papa's Taco Mia!, Robby is officially the first closer to appear since the "extremely picky" customers were introduced.
  • His order is almost the same as Hugo's in Freezeria. The only difference being the cup size (Robby's is a small cup while Hugo's is a large cup)
  • He and Allan were the only closers who debut at Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack!
  • His name and story are similar to Robinson Crusoe.
  • His Style B outfit in Papa Louie 3: When Sundaes Attack! is his outfit from Papa's Pizzeria.
  • His Style C outfit might shows what happens if Robby wasn't rescued by Captain Cori for more than three years, as evidenced by his more aggressive expression and longer facial hair.
  • In his flipdeck, Calypso Island is seen.
  • He is absent in two gamerias.Burgeria and Pancakeria.
  • He is one of the few customers who make their debut in a game as a normal customer and then a closer in another, alongside Ninjoy, Akari, Allan and Radlynn.
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This article is about a canon (real) info created by Flipline Studios, since this community is about principally fan canon (fictional) content the info of this article cloud include inforamtion refered with the Flipline Studios Wiki. Please to make refer the factual information from Flipline Studios Wiki visit their community article or click the next hyperlink if that appears.1