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Papa's Taco Mia!
Restaurant Game
Taco Mia! Logo
Release Date August 26, 2017
Play the Game [1]
Game's Chronology
Previos Game Next Game
Cactus McCoy and the Curse of Thorns Papa's Freezeria
Gameria's Chronology
Previos Gameria Next Gameria
Papa's Burgeria Papa's Freezeria

Papa's Taco Mia! is the third gameria in the Papa Louie series released in 2017. You can choose either Mitch or Maggie as your worker and make tacos for the people of Tacodale.


Mama Mia! It's Papa's Taco Mia!

So what happens when an Italian chef opens a successful Pizzeria and Burgeria? Build the biggest, wackiest Taqueria anyone has ever seen!

After winning a taco eating contest, you're awarded the keys to Papa's Taco Mia! Good luck though, because all your favorite customers are back, and they brought friends. Unlock all sorts of ingredients and upgrade your shop for style and speed. Try to please those picky Closers, and mystify Jojo the food critic with your wild taco making skills!

You can also earn up to 60 Badges while running Papa's Taco Mia, unlocked for a variety of achievements, including using certain toppings, getting high scores in each Station, serving certain customers, and more!


One day in Tacodale, Papa Louie opens his new taco shop and hosts a Taco Eating Contest. Mitch/Maggie camps out in front of the shop to be the first contestant. The other competitors are James and Kingsley. The contest starts and the three contestants must eat as many tacos as they can.

In the later afternoon hours, James gets a stomach-ache while eating a taco and gives up. In the evening, as Kingsley tries to eat his next taco, he begins to sweat and surrenders also. This means that Mitch/Maggie wins the contest and the trophy and is unexpectingly given the shop by Papa Louie.


In this game the player makes tacos. You can unlock all the ingredients and upgrade your shop to increase style, speed, and scores. The player must be quick on serving those new, picky Closers (Robby, Kahuna, Quinn, Xandra, Allan, Johnny and Jojo) and show them your wild taco making skills. You can also earn up to 60 Badges while playing the game, unlocked for a variety of achievements including using certain toppings, getting high scores in each station, serving certain customers, as well as many, many more.


New Gameria Features[]

New features that are introduced in this game, and will be used in future Gamerias, are:

  • This gameria is the first to feature opening sequence hints. The customer cheering outside the shop will be the first customer, and the customer that pops out from the side of the building will be the second.
  • When ordering and presenting, the background shows the outside of the shop, revealing whether it is day, dusk, or night.
  • In-game badges that players can earn during gameplay are introduced.
  • Closers and the Food Critic are introduced.
  • The customers chart is remade.
  • Pausing will show the player's day, rank, customer points, tips, and hats.
  • Hats are introduced.
  • Unlockable ingredients are introduced.
  • Customers with higher badges will now order faster.
  • Weekly Paydays are introduced.
  • Many of the customers get a makeover or new accessories.
  • The ability for players to save their progress in the game is now made available.


  1. Headbracket of Whiff Whiff (Tutorial)
  2. Headbracket of Franco Franco (After Tutorial)
  3. Headbracket of Tohru Tohru (Random)
  4. Headbracket of Taylor Taylor (Random)
  5. Headbracket of Deano Deano (Random)
  6. Headbracket of Wally Wally (Random)
  7. Headbracket of Rita Rita (Random)
  8. Headbracket of Sue Sue (Random)
  9. Headbracket of Vicky Vicky (Day 2 After)
  10. Headbracket of Greg Greg (Time)
  11. Headbracket of Matt Matt (Time)
  12. Headbracket of Bruna Romano Bruna Romano (Time)
  13. Headbracket of Lisa Lisa (Time)
  14. Headbracket of Timm Timm (Time)
  15. Headbracket of Janana Janana (Time)
  16. Headbracket of Trishna Trishna (Time)
  17. Headbracket of Bertha Bertha (Time)
  18. Headbracket of Sasha Sasha (Rank 20 After)
  19. Headbracket of Cherissa Cherissa (Time)
  20. Headbracket of Tony Tony (Time)
  21. Headbracket of Mandi Mandi (Time)
  22. Headbracket of Ninjoy Ninjoy (Time)
  23. Headbracket of Chester Chester (Time)
  24. Headbracket of Clover Clover (Time)
  25. Headbracket of Willow Willow (Time)
  26. Headbracket of Austin Austin (Rank 30 After)
  27. Headbracket of Steven Steven (Time)
  28. Headbracket of Boomer Boomer (Time)
  29. Headbracket of Ripley Ripley (Time)
  30. Headbracket of Ember Ember (Time)
  31. Headbracket of Skyler Skyler (Time)
  32. Headbracket of Connor Connor (Time)
  33. Headbracket of Olivia Olivia (Time)
  34. Headbracket of Zoe Zoe (Day 2)
  35. Headbracket of Big Pauly Big Pauly (Rank 2)
  36. Headbracket of Radlynn Radlynn(Rank 3)
  37. Headbracket of Peggy Peggy (Rank 4)
  38. Headbracket of Cooper Cooper (Rank 5)
  39. Headbracket of Xolo Xolo (Rank 6)
  40. Headbracket of Rudy Rudy (Rank 7)
  41. Headbracket of Nick Nick (Rank 8)
  42. Headbracket of Rhonda Rhonda (Rank 9)
  43. Headbracket of Kingsley Kingsley (Rank 10)
  44. Headbracket of Hope Hope (Rank 11)
  45. Headbracket of Georgito Georgito (Rank 12)
  46. Headbracket of Hank Hank (Rank 13)
  47. Headbracket of Shannon Shannon (Rank 14)
  48. Headbracket of Cletus Cletus (Rank 15)
  49. Headbracket of Mindy Mindy (Rank 16)
  50. Headbracket of Sarge Fan Sarge Fan (Rank 17)
  51. Headbracket of Olga Olga (Rank 18)
  52. Headbracket of Hugo Hugo (Rank 19)
  53. Headbracket of Edna Edna (Rank 20)
  54. Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori (Rank 21)
  55. Headbracket of Cecilia Cecilia (Rank 22)
  56. Headbracket of Edoardo Romano Edoardo Romano (Rank 23)
  57. Headbracket of Mary Mary (Rank 24)
  58. Headbracket of Gino Romano Gino Romano (Rank 25)
  59. Headbracket of Kayla Kayla (Rank 26)
  60. Headbracket of Yui Yui (Rank 27)
  61. Headbracket of Carlo Romano Carlo Romano (Rank 28)
  62. Headbracket of Penny Penny (Rank 29)
  63. Headbracket of Chuck Chuck (Rank 30)
  64. Headbracket of Julep Julep (Rank 31)
  65. Headbracket of Roy Roy (Rank 32)
  66. Headbracket of Marty Marty (Rank 33)
  67. Headbracket of Wendy Wendy (Rank 34)
  68. Headbracket of Doan Doan (Rank 35)
  69. Headbracket of Perri Perri (Rank 36)
  70. Headbracket of Alberto Alberto (Rank 37)
  71. Headbracket of Utah Utah (Rank 38)
  72. Headbracket of Duke Gotcha Duke Gotcha (Rank 39)
  73. Headbracket of Clair Clair (Rank 40)
  74. Headbracket of Foodini Foodini (Rank 41)
  75. Headbracket of Prudence Prudence (Rank 42)
  76. Headbracket of James James (Rank 43)
  77. Headbracket of Akari Akari (Rank 44)
  78. Headbracket of Rico Rico (Rank 45)
  79. Headbracket of LePete LePete (Rank 46)
  80. Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie (Rank 47)





  • Beef (Start) (Big Beef)
  • Chicken (Unlocked with Zoe on Day 2 ) (Chicken Champ)
  • Pork (Unlocked with Nick on Rank 8) (Carnitas)
  • Steak (Unlocked with Georgito on Rank 12) (Steak House)

Taco Shells[]

  • Hard (Start) (Hard Shell Hero)
  • Soft (Unlocked with Radlynn on Rank 3) (Serve Softly)
  • Pita (Unlocked with Rudy on Rank 7) (Pita Pro)


  • Tomatoes (Start) (Tomato Time)
  • Cheese (Start) (Cheese Please)
  • Lettuce (Start) (Lettuce Lover)
  • Pinto Beans (Start) (Pinto Prize)
  • Guacamole (Start) (Guac Attack)
  • Onions (Start) (Onion Fun)
  • White Rice (Unlocked with Big Pauly on Rank 2) (Rice Wrangler)
  • Jalapenos (Unlocked with Cooper on Rank 5) (Some Like It Hot)
  • Peppers (Unlocked with Kingsley on Rank 10) (Fajita!)
  • Black Beans (Unlocked with Hope on Rank 11) (Beans, Beans)
  • Brown Rice (Unlocked with Hank on Rank 13) (Whole Grain)


  • Mild Sauce (Start) (Wild for Mild)
  • Sour Cream (Start) (Cool it Down)
  • Hot Sauce (Unlocked with Peggy on Rank 4) (Taco en Fuego)
  • Nacho Cheese (Unlocked with Xolo on Rank 6) (Cheese Whiz)
  • Verde Sauce (Unlocked with Rhonda on Rank 9) (Go Green)
  • Loco Mystery Sauce (Unlocked with Shannon on Rank 14) (Solve the Mystery)

Minigames representing Taco Mia[]


There are 60 badges in Papa's Taco Mia!:

  • Work up the Ranks: Reach Rank 5, +$30
  • Taco Career: Reach Rank 10, +$50
  • Better Than Papa!: Reach Rank 44, +$200
  • Spending Spree: Buy any 10 Upgrades from the Upgrade Shop, +$10
  • Poster Motivation: Buy all of the Posters, +$15
  • Grilling Gear: Buy all of the Grill Upgrades, +$40
  • Serving in Style: Buy all of the hats, +$100
  • Bronze Beginning: Earn 5 Bronze Customer Awards, +$30
  • Customer Service: Earn 15 Bronze Customer Awards, +$50
  • Silver Medal: Earn 10 Silver Customer Awards, +$70
  • Coming Back For More: Earn 15 Gold Customer Awards, +$100
  • Go For the Gold: Earn Gold Customer Awards on all customers!, +$500
  • Tomato Time: Serve 10 Tacos with Tomatoes, +$10
  • Cheese Please: Serve 30 Tacos with Cheese, +$10
  • Lettuce Lover: Serve 30 Tacos with Lettuce, +$15
  • Pinto Prize: Serve 40 Tacos with Pinto Beans, +$15
  • Guac Attack: Serve 20 Tacos with Guacamole, +$15
  • Onion Fun: Serve 20 Tacos with Onions, +$15
  • Some Like It Hot: Serve 30 Tacos with Jalapeños, +$25
  • Fajita!: Serve 30 Tacos with Peppers, +$25
  • Beans, beans: Serve 30 Tacos with Black Beans, +$25
  • Rice Wrangler: Serve 30 Tacos with White Rice, +$25
  • Whole Grain: Serve 30 Tacos with Brown Rice, +$25
  • Wild for Mild: Serve 40 Tacos with Mild Sauce, +$25
  • Cool it Down: Serve 40 Tacos with Sour Cream, +$25
  • Taco en Fuego: Serve 40 Tacos with Hot Sauce, +$25
  • Cheese Whiz: Serve 30 Tacos with Nacho Cheese, +$25
  • Go Green: Serve 30 Tacos with Verde Sauce, +$25
  • Solve the Mystery: Serve 30 Tacos with Loco Mystery Sauce, +$25
  • Getting Started: Serve 4 Tacos in Hard Shells, +$5
  • Hard Shell Hero: Serve 30 Tacos in Hard Shells, +$25
  • Serve Softly: Serve 30 Tacos in Soft Shells, +$25
  • Pita Pro: Serve 30 Tacos in Pita Shells, +$25
  • Big Beef: Serve 50 Beef Tacos, +$50
  • Chicken Champ: Serve 50 Chicken Tacos, +$50
  • Carnitas: Serve 50 Pork Tacos, +$50
  • Steak House: Serve 50 Steak Tacos, +$50
  • Grill Expert: Get a 100% Grilling Score on 20 orders, +$70
  • Build Expert: Get a 100% Building Score on 20 orders, +$70
  • Order Expert: Get a 100% Waiting Score on 20 orders, +$70
  • Perfect!: Get a Perfect Score on 30 orders, +$100
  • Critically Acclaimed: Get a Blue Ribbon from Jojo the Food Critic, +$40
  • Best Restaurant: Get 5 Blue Ribbons from Jojo the Food Critic, +$100
  • Quality Assurance: Get 90% Service Quality or higher on five different days, +$50
  • High Quality: Get 95% Service Quality or higher on 20 different days, +$100
  • Romano Family: Serve everyone in the Romano Family Quartet, +150
  • Franchise Friends: Serve the employees of Papa's Pizzeria and Papa's Burgeria!, +$150
  • The Competition: Serve Kingsley and James from the Taco-Eating Contest, +$150
  • Meet the Creators: Serve Matt and Tony from Flipline Studios!, +$150
  • The Gang's All Here: Serve all of the customers!, +$300
  • First Paycheck: Get your first paycheck on Pay Day, +$10
  • Month's Pay: Receive your wages on four Pay Days, +$50
  • Sauce Sampler: Unlock all of the Sauces, +$25
  • Shell Selection: Unlock all of the Taco Shells, +$20
  • Meat Mania: Unlock all of the Meats, +$25
  • Pico de Gallo: Serve 30 Customers while wearing the Taco Hat, +$50
  • Mariachi: Serve 45 Customers while wearing the Sombrero, +$65
  • Culinary Cap: Serve 60 Customers while wearing the Chef Hat, +$75
  • Tacos from the North: Serve 75 Customers while wearing the Viking Helmet, +$90
  • Taco Royale: Serve 100 Customers while wearing the Crown, +$150


Rank Number Rank Name Total XP Payday increase (+$5 each rank) Unlocks
1 Newbie Start $100
2 Taco Trainee 300 $105 Big Pauly, White Rice
3 Tray Cleaner 750 $110 Soft Taco
4 Cashier 1,350 $115 Peggy, Hot Sauce
5 Part-Time Cook 2,100 $120 Jalapeños
6 Ticket Handler 3,000 $125 Nacho Cheese
7 Order Attendant 4,050 $130 Pita Bread
8 Line Cook 5,250 $135 Nick, Pork
9 Taco Apprentice 6,600 $140 Verde Sauce
10 Hard Taco Pro 8,100 $145 Kingsley, Peppers
11 Soft Taco Server 9,750 $150 Black Beans
12 Pita Pro 11,550 $155 GeorgitoSteak
13 Taco Filler 13,500 $160 Brown Rice
14 Tomato Topper 15,600 $165 Loco Sauce
15 Cheese Champ 17,850 $170 Cletus
16 Lettuce Lover 20,250 $175 Mindy
17 Pinto Pro 22,800 $180 Sarge Fan
18 Onion Expert 25,500 $185 Olga
19 Guacamole Pro 28,350 $190 Hugo
20 Rice Wrangler 31,350 $195 Edna
21 Jalapeño Master 34,500 $200 Matt
22 Pepper Fan 37,800 $205 Cecilia
23 Sauce Specialist 41,250 $210 Little Edoardo
24 Nacho Squeezer 44,850 $215 Mary
25 Brown Rice Boiler 48,600 $220 Gino Romano
26 Black Beans Expert 52,500 $225 Kayla
27 Verde Veteran 56,550 $230 Mitch/Maggie
28 Loco For Loco Sauce 60,750 $235 Carlo Romano
29 Beef Broiler 65,100 $240 Penny
30 Chicken Champ 69,600 $245 Chuck
31 Pork Puller 74,250 $250 Sasha
32 Steak Server 79,050 $255 Roy
33 Master of Meats 84,000 $260 Marty
34 Expert Taco Builder 89,100 $265 Tony
35 Stove Top Champ 94,350 $270 Doan
36 Spatula Pro 99,750 $275 Clover
37 Knife Expert 105,300 $280 Alberto
38 Grade A Griller 111,000 $285 Mandi
39 Top Topper 116,850 $290 Connor
40 Part-Time Manager 122,850 $295 Clair
41 Taco Shop Manager 129,000 $300 Cooper
42 Tex-Mex Legend 135,300 $305 Prudence
43 Taco Mia! Master 141,750 $310 James
44+ Better Than Papa! 148,350 $315+


  • Sometimes, the car that passes the shop at the start of the day is Roy's car. 
  • This is the first game that you need to interact with the food by using an item (spatula and knife) instead of clicking on it.
  • This game has 7 order spaces, 5 are building spaces. 
  • The sign above the apartment behind the shop will advertise Cletus' Scrapyard, The Romano Family Quartet, Quinn, Timm and Associates, Kingsley's Comedy, or Jojo's Blue Ribbon Dining.
  • This game and Papa's Burgeria are the only games that have three stations.
  • This is the first gameria where you would see the word "Perfect!" when you get 100% in all stations.
  • The poster for this restaurant appears in all future games. In Freezeria, you can buy it at the Upgrade Shop, but from Pancakeria onward, it's a prize in one of Foodini's mini-games.
  • As of this game, there are a total of 89 characters altogether in the Papa Louie series (87 customers and the two workers, Mitch and Maggie).
  • In many cases, the start of day animation will show the second customer peeking behind the restaurant.
  • This is the second game, the first being Cactus McCoy, to have the modern Flipline opening sequence and menu layout.
  • All of the previous workers make a cameo in the intro (look at the side of the building, and you'll see Roy, Marty, and Rita).
  • This is the last game where the items purchased as decorations for the store are placed in specific areas and cannot be moved.
  • This is the last game that shows a cash register on the counter when taking orders.
  • On April 1, 2014 Matt and Tony made an April Fools Day joke that there would be a real Taco Mia restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio at Woodland and E. 55th street.
    • This is the first gameria to be featured in an April Fool's Day joke.
  • On April 15, 2014, there was a post mortem on the Flipline Blog [2].
  • The tray for the taco is the same one for the Pancakeria.
  • The three regular locals make their first appearances to the restaurant when a new meat is introduced.
  • Meat that is ordered the most is Chicken.
  • Quinn and Robby are the only closers to order Pork.
  • All local closers appear in the shop as the last four closers to serve, as the first three closers to serve have appeared in previous games.