Flipline Fandom
Flipline Fandom

Flipline Studios is an American-based Flash game development company founded in 2004, that is best known for the series of Papa Louie's restaurant time-management games and Cactus McCoy. It was founded by Tony Solary and Matt Neff. [1]


Logo in 2015


In 2004, Neff and Solary formed Flipline IDS (short for Interactive Design Studios). Their first product was a comic called Freezing Pointe. 

Q&A eddie&ross on flipline ids

Freezing Pointe with Eddie and Ross (former design by Flipline IDS)

In 2006, when the company began their focus on creating Flash games, Freezing Pointe was discontinued in 2006 and Flipline IDS was renamed Flipline Studios. Papa Louie: When Pizzas Attack! was released in the same year. In 2007, Flipline then made their first cooking game called Papa's Pizzeria. They now have a site called Flipline Studios.com

Sin título

Avatars of Tony Solary and Matt Neff

2011 logo

Logo until 2012

New Logo of Flipline from 2012

Logo from 2012-2013

Logo 2014

Logo in 2014

Current games[]

Papa Louie Games[]

Cactus McCoy Series[]

Steak and Jake Series[]

Other Flipline Studios Games[]

Old games (deleted from website)[]



  • For privacy reasons, Tony and Matt appear on their site as the characters they designed for themselves and use to insert themselves into the games. They have made appearances in the games from Papa's Burgeria onwards.