Flipline Fandom
Flipline Fandom
Customer Grand Tournament 2020
Start Finish
May 2, 2020 August 5, 2020
Participants 96
Winner Headbracket of Allan Allan
Predecessor Successor
CGT 2019 CGT 2021

Customer Grand Tournament 2020 will be the fourth edition of the tournament, this time the tournament will crown the winner as the most popular/voted character of the wiki.


The tournament will have 4 Stages: 3 Group Stages and 1 Play-offs Stage. The 32 contestants with the best score for the tournament ranking will participate starting at the second stage while the rest 64 will start on the first stage. Both stages will have the same number of contestants.

First Stage
The 64 contestants of this stage will be divided on the traditional format of 16 groups of 4 contestants, to make the groups the contestants will be divided on 4 pots of 16 contestants for the draw, the best 16 of the ranking for the tournament will be on the Pot 1, the next best 16 will be on the Pot 2, the next 16 will be on the Pot 3 and the last 16 will be on the Pot 4. The groups will maked drawing the pots and getting one customer per pot on each group. Once the daw was maked the groups are ready for the tournament.

The stage will count the traditional group format of round-robbin (all vs. all) getting 3 rounds on this stage, once finished the 3 rounds, the best 2 customers per group will qualify for the second stage.

Second Stage
The best 32 customers of the tournament ranking and the 32 qualified from the Frist Stage will participate at this stage, this stage will have the same format like the First Stage: 16 groups of 4 customers, the draw will be made with 4 Pots, but this time the Pots 1 and 2 will be for the debutants at this round while the Pots 3 and 4 will be for the qualifieds from the first stage, getting the best of them on the Pots 1 and 3 respectevely and the rest on the Pots 2 and 4. Once the daw was maked the groups are ready for the tournament.

The stage will count with the same traditional format like the first stage, and the best 2 customers per group will qualify for the third stage.

Third Stage
The 32 customers qualified from the second stage will participate this stage, now the contestants will be divided on 8 groups of 4 customers, but having the same number of rounds. The draw will have also 4 Pots, begin the best on the Pot 1 to the worst on the Pot 4. Once the daw was maked the groups are ready for the tournament.

The stage also will count with the same traditional format like the first and second stage, and the best 2 customers per group will qualify for the fourth stage.

Fourth Stage
The 16 customers qualified from the third stage will participate this stage, for this stage the format will change, this time will count with a traditional format of play-offs of direct elimination, this means who all customers will be asigned against other customers and after the round end the loser will be eliminated and the winner will continue.

The stage will start at the eighterfinals, counting with a quarterfinals, semifinals and the final. On the eighterfinals the customers will be faced against a character from another group, being paired in the following way, each match is numbered from 1 to 8.

  • M1: 1° A2 vs. 2° B2
  • M2: 1° C2 vs. 2° D2
  • M3: 1° E2 vs. 2° F2
  • M4: 1° G2 vs. 2° H2
  • M5: 1° B2 vs. 2° A2
  • M6: 1° D2 vs. 2° C2
  • M7: 1° F2 vs. 2° E2
  • M8: 1° H2 vs. 2° G2

In the quarterfinals the matches will be between the winners of Match 1 vs. Match 2, M3 vs. M4, M5 vs. M6 and M7 vs. M8 In the semifinals they will be among the winners of the first two previous matches and the last two between them, the winners advance to the Final, and the winner is consecrated the winner of the Customer Grand Tournament 2020.


Customers League Championship 2020
League A League B League C League D League E League F
Flipline Customers
Headbracket of Allan Allan Headbracket of Chuck Chuck Headbracket of Drakson Drakson Headbracket of Johnny Johnny Headbracket of Moe Moe Headbracket of Prudence Prudence
Headbracket of Amy Amy Headbracket of Clover Clover Headbracket of Fernanda Fernanda Headbracket of Kaleb Kaleb Headbracket of Mr. Bombolony Mr. Bombolony Headbracket of Roy Roy
Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill Boopsy & Bill Headbracket of Daniela Daniela Headbracket of Franco Franco Headbracket of Kasey O Kasey O Headbracket of Ninjoy Ninjoy Headbracket of Skyler Skyler
Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori Headbracket of Deano Deano Headbracket of Hacky Zak Hacky Zak Headbracket of Mindy Mindy Headbracket of Nye Nye Headbracket of The Dynamoe The Dynamoe
Headbracket of Carlo Romano Carlo Romano Headbracket of Doan Doan Headbracket of Hope Hope Headbracket of Mitch Mitch Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie Headbracket of Utah Utah
Fandom Customers
Headbracket of Alfredo Alfredo Headbracket of Elías Elías Headbracket of Guillermo Guillermo Headbracket of Kristine Kristine Headbracket of Perla Perla Tekla
Headbracket of Belia Čech Belia Čech Headbracket of Elisabeth Elisabeth Headbracket of Humberto Humberto Headbracket of Loke Loke Headbracket of Quintín Quintín Headbracket of Theodor Theodor
Headbracket of Bruce Bruce Headbracket of Esmeralda Esmeralda Headbracket of Jodie Jodie Headbracket of Marlen Marlen Raven Headbracket of Vanessa Vanessa
Headbracket of Bryan Bryan Febe Headbracket of Joel Joel Nina Rubí Vanna
Dexter Headbracket of Giovana Giovana Headbracket of Joey Joey Headbracket of Odile Odile Headbracket of Samir Samir Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang
Diddy Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy Headbracket of Pascual Pascual Headbracket of Santos Santos Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl
Special Customers
Amber Bernal Chase Headbracket of Fowell Fowell Headbracket of Jovanny Jovanny Mohamed
Andrea Blake Ciara Headbracket of Gamaliel Gamaliel Judith Headbracket of Rossy Rossy
Andrew Cameron Derek Gauck Jussara Stella
Andy Headbracket of Catrín Catrín Endir Hawkins Leo Venezia
Aurora Headbracket of Catrina Catrina Finn Headbracket of Ian Ian Headbracket of Minerva Minerva Vladimir


First Stage[]


Pot 1
Pot 2
Pot 3
Pot 4
Ciara Headbracket of Catrín Catrín Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie Chase
Headbracket of Elisabeth Elisabeth Febe Headbracket of Hope Hope Headbracket of Kasey O Kasey O
Headbracket of Chuck Chuck Headbracket of Franco Franco Headbracket of Skyler Skyler Headbracket of Daniela Daniela
Headbracket of Kristine Kristine Aurora Headbracket of Hacky Zak Hacky Zak Headbracket of Mr. Bombolony Mr. Bombolony
Headbracket of The Dynamoe The Dynamoe Headbracket of Esmeralda Esmeralda Derek Cameron
Headbracket of Quintín Quintín Finn Headbracket of Fernanda Fernanda Andrew
Headbracket of Alfredo Alfredo Headbracket of Giovana Giovana Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang Judith
Venezia Mohamed Headbracket of Mitch Mitch Headbracket of Drakson Drakson
Headbracket of Moe Moe Headbracket of Marlen Marlen Tekla Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill Boopsy & Bill
Gauck Endir Andrea Blake
Raven Headbracket of Theodor Theodor Headbracket of Odile Odile Headbracket of Bruce Bruce
Headbracket of Roy Roy Headbracket of Belia Čech Belia Čech Headbracket of Samir Samir Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy
Amber Headbracket of Pascual Pascual Headbracket of Santos Santos Headbracket of Humberto Humberto
Vladimir Headbracket of Elías Elías Headbracket of Joey Joey Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe
Bernal Hawkins Headbracket of Kaleb Kaleb Rubí
Headbracket of Utah Utah Stella Leo Headbracket of Joel Joel

Group A1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Giovana Giovana 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Rubí 4 1 1 1 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Kaleb Kaleb 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1
Ciara 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Giovana 3:0 Headbracket of Giovana (left)
Headbracket of Kaleb 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Kaleb (left)
RBÍ 2:2 1:3 2:1 RBÍ

Group B1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Venezia 4 1 1 1 6 5 1
Headbracket of Odile Odile 4 1 1 1 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Franco Franco 1 0 1 2 3 8 -5
Headbracket of Franco 0:3 Headbracket of Franco (left)
Headbracket of Odile 2:2 3:1 Headbracket of Odile (left)
Headbracket of Humberto 3:1 2:2 3:0 Headbracket of Humberto (left)

Group C1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe 9 3 0 0 8 3 5
Raven 6 2 0 1 7 4 3
Headbracket of Skyler Skyler 1 0 1 2 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Esmeralda Esmeralda 1 0 1 2 3 8 -5
Headbracket of Esmeralda 0:3 Headbracket of Esmeralda (left)
Headbracket of Skyler 1:3 2:2 Headbracket of Skyler (left)
Headbracket of Giuseppe 3:1 3:1 2:1 Headbracket of Giuseppe (left)

Group D1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Belia Čech Belia Čech 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill Boopsy & Bill 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Andrea 3 1 0 2 2 9 -8
Headbracket of Kristine Kristine 0 0 0 3 2 9 -8
Headbracket of Kristine Headbracket of Kristine (left)
Headbracket of Belia Čech 3:0 Headbracket of Belia Čech (left)
ADE 3:1 1:3 ADE
B&B 3:1 2:2 3:0 B&B

Group E1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Moe Moe 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie 7 2 1 0 7 4 3
Headbracket of Mr. Bombolony Mr. Bombolony 1 0 1 2 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Marlen Marlen 1 0 1 2 3 8 -5
Headbracket of Moe Headbracket of Moe (left)
Headbracket of Marlen 0:3 Headbracket of Marlen (left)
Headbracket of Papa Louie 2:2 3:1 Headbracket of Papa Louie (left)
Headbracket of Mr. Bombolony 1:3 2:2 1:2 Headbracket of Mr. Bombolony (left)

Group F1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Roy Roy 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Bruce Bruce 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Hacky Zak Hacky Zak 4 1 1 1 6 5 1
Headbracket of Elías Elías 1 0 1 2 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Roy Headbracket of Roy (left)
Headbracket of Elías 1:2 Headbracket of Elías (left)
Headbracket of Hacky Zak 2:2 3:1 Headbracket of Hacky Zak (left)
Headbracket of Bruce 2:2 2:2 1:2 Headbracket of Bruce (left)

Group G1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Amber 7 2 1 0 9 2 7
Headbracket of Santos Santos 7 2 1 0 9 2 7
Mohamed 1 0 1 2 2 9 -7
Chase 1 0 1 2 2 9 -7
Headbracket of Santos 2:2 4:0 Headbracket of Santos (left)
CHS 0:4 2:2 0:3 CHS

Group H1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 5 1 2 0 7 4 3
Stella 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Alfredo Alfredo 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1
Leo 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Alfredo Headbracket of Alfredo (left)
LEO 2:2 2:2 LEO
Headbracket of Kemmy 2:2 2:2 3:0 Headbracket of Kemmy (left)

Group I1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Hawkins 7 2 1 0 7 4 1
Headbracket of Hope Hope 4 1 1 1 6 5 0
Headbracket of Quintín Quintín 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1
Judith 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Quintín Headbracket of Quintín (left)
Headbracket of Hope 2:2 3:1 Headbracket of Hope (left)
JDT 2:2 2:2 0:3 JDT

Group J1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Gauck 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Fernanda Fernanda 4 1 1 1 6 5 0
Headbracket of Drakson Drakson 4 1 1 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Pascual Pascual 3 1 0 2 5 6 1
Headbracket of Pascual 1:2 Headbracket of Pascual (left)
Headbracket of Fernanda 2:2 3:1 Headbracket of Fernanda (left)
DKS 2:2 1:3 1:2 DKS

Group K1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Tekla 9 3 0 0 9 2 7
Endir 4 1 1 1 6 5 1
Headbracket of Elisabeth Elisabeth 3 1 0 2 5 6 -1
Andrew 1 0 1 2 2 9 -7
Headbracket of Elisabeth Headbracket of Elisabeth (left)
TKL 3:1 3:1 TKL
ADW 0:4 2:2 0:3 ADW

Group L1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of The Dynamoe The Dynamoe 5 1 2 0 7 4 3
Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang 5 1 2 0 7 4 3
Febe 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Daniela Daniela 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of The Dynamoe Headbracket of The Dynamoe (left)
Headbracket of Wolfgang 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Wolfgang (left)
DLA 2:2 2:2 0:3 DLA

Group M1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Aurora 7 2 1 0 9 2 7
Headbracket of Joel Joel 7 2 1 0 9 2 7
Vladimir 1 0 1 2 2 9 -7
Headbracket of Samir Samir 1 0 1 2 2 9 -7
Headbracket of Samir 2:2 0:4 Headbracket of Samir (left)
Headbracket of Joel 4:0 2:2 3:0 Headbracket of Joel (left)

Group N1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Chuck Chuck 7 2 1 0 8 3 5
Blake 4 1 1 1 6 5 1
Derek 4 1 1 1 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Theodor Theodor 1 0 1 2 3 8 -5
Headbracket of Chuck Headbracket of Chuck (left)
Headbracket of Theodor 0:3 Headbracket of Theodor (left)
DRK 2:2 3:1 DRK
BLK 1:3 2:2 3:0 BLK

Group O1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Bernal 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Joey Joey 5 0 2 1 6 5 1
Headbracket of Catrín Catrín 2 1 2 0 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Kasey O Kasey O 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Joey 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Joey (left)
KSO 2:2 2:2 1:2 KSO

Group P1[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Cameron 5 1 2 0 7 4 3
Finn 5 1 2 0 6 5 1
Headbracket of Utah Utah 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1
Headbracket of Mitch Mitch 2 0 2 1 4 7 -3
Headbracket of Utah Headbracket of Utah (left)
Headbracket of Mitch 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Mitch (left)
CMN 2:2 2:2 3:0 CMN

Second Stage[]


Pot 1
Pot 2
Pot 3
Pot 4
Headbracket of Allan Allan Headbracket of Bryan Bryan Headbracket of Chuck Chuck Stella
Headbracket of Minerva Minerva Headbracket of Guillermo Guillermo Headbracket of The Dynamoe The Dynamoe Headbracket of Hope Hope
Headbracket of Rossy Rossy Headbracket of Jodie Jodie Headbracket of Moe Moe Tekla
Headbracket of Amy Amy Headbracket of Perla Perla Venezia Headbracket of Fernanda Fernanda
Headbracket of Gamaliel Gamaliel Nina Gauck Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang
Headbracket of Jovanny Jovanny Headbracket of Catrina Catrina Raven Headbracket of Santos Santos
Headbracket of Deano Deano Headbracket of Ninjoy Ninjoy Amber Headbracket of Joey Joey
Headbracket of Johnny Johnny Headbracket of Carlo Romano Carlo Romano Headbracket of Roy Roy Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill Boopsy & Bill
Headbracket of Fowell Fowell Headbracket of Clover Clover Bernal Cameron
Headbracket of Ian Ian Headbracket of Doan Doan Aurora Blake
Headbracket of Mindy Mindy Jussara Headbracket of Giovana Giovana Headbracket of Bruce Bruce
Headbracket of Loke Loke Vanna Finn Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe
Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl Andy Headbracket of Belia Čech Belia Čech Headbracket of Humberto Humberto
Headbracket of Vanessa Vanessa Diddy Endir Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy
Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori Headbracket of Nye Nye Hawkins Headbracket of Joel Joel
Dexter Headbracket of Prudence Prudence Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie Rubí

Group A2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Amy Amy 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Gauck 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Carlo Romano Carlo Romano 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Blake 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Amy Headbracket of Amy (left)
Headbracket of Carlo Romano 0:4 Headbracket of Carlo Romano (left)
GUK 2:2 4:0 GUK
BLK 0:4 0:4 0:4 BLK

Group B2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Bernal 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Gamaliel Gamaliel 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Perla Perla 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Gamaliel Headbracket of Gamaliel (left)
Headbracket of Perla 2:2 Headbracket of Perla (left)
BRN 4:0 4:0 BRN
Headbracket of Kemmy 4:0 4:0 2:2 Headbracket of Kemmy (left)

Group C2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Santos Santos 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Headbracket of Deano Deano 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Andy 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of Chuck Chuck 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Deano Headbracket of Deano (left)
Headbracket of Chuck 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Chuck (left)
Headbracket of Santos 4:0 4:0 4:0 Headbracket of Santos (left)

Group D2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Vanessa Vanessa 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Tekla 7 2 1 0 9 3 6
Headbracket of Prudence Prudence 3 1 0 2 5 7 -2
Raven 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Vanessa Headbracket of Vanessa (left)
Headbracket of Prudence 0:4 Headbracket of Prudence (left)
RVN 0:4 0:4 RVN
TKL 2:2 4:0 3:1 TKL

Group E2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Nye Nye 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Aurora 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Jovanny Jovanny 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Joey Joey 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Jovanny Headbracket of Jovanny (left)
Headbracket of Nye 4:0 Headbracket of Nye (left)
AUR 4:0 2:2 AUR
Headbracket of Joey 0:4 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Joey (left)

Group F2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Rossy Rossy 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Diddy 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Headbracket of Moe Moe 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Rossy Headbracket of Rossy (left)
Headbracket of Moe 0:4 2:2 Headbracket of Moe (left)
Headbracket of Giuseppe 0:4 2:2 4:0 Headbracket of Giuseppe (left)

Group G2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Stella 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Dexter 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Jussara 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of The Dynamoe The Dynamoe 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of The Dynamoe 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of The Dynamoe (left)
STL 4:0 4:0 4:0 STL

Group H2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Loke Loke 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang 6 2 0 1 8 4 4
Headbracket of Catrina Catrina 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Amber 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Loke Headbracket of Loke (left)
Headbracket of Catrina 0:4 Headbracket of Catrina (left)
ABR 0:4 0:4 ABR
Headbracket of Wolfgang 0:4 4:0 4:0 Headbracket of Wolfgang (left)

Group I2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Allan Allan 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Headbracket of Roy Roy 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of Hope Hope 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Ninjoy Ninjoy 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Allan Headbracket of Allan (left)
Headbracket of Ninjoy 0:4 Headbracket of Ninjoy (left)
Headbracket of Roy 0:4 4:0 Headbracket of Roy (left)
Headbracket of Hope 0:4 4:0 2:2 Headbracket of Hope (left)

Group J2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Vanna 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of Papa Louie Papa Louie 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of Fernanda Fernanda 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Xóchitl Headbracket of Xóchitl (left)
Headbracket of Papa Louie 0:4 2:2 Headbracket of Papa Louie (left)
Headbracket of Fernanda 0:4 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Fernanda (left)

Group K2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Minerva Minerva 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Headbracket of Bruce Bruce 6 2 0 1 8 4 4
Venezia 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Jodie Jodie 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Minerva Headbracket of Minerva (left)
Headbracket of Jodie 0:4 Headbracket of Jodie (left)
VNZ 0:4 4:0 VNZ
Headbracket of Bruce 0:4 4:0 4:0 Headbracket of Bruce (left)

Group L2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Hawkins 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Clover Clover 3 1 0 2 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill Boopsy & Bill 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Captain Cori Headbracket of Captain Cori (left)
Headbracket of Clover 0:4 Headbracket of Clover (left)
HWK 2:2 4:0 HWK
Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill 0:4 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Boopsy & Bill (left)

Group M2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Giovana Giovana 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Joel Joel 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Ian Ian 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Bryan Bryan 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Ian Headbracket of Ian (left)
Headbracket of Bryan 2:2 Headbracket of Bryan (left)
Headbracket of Giovana 3:0 4:0 Headbracket of Giovana (left)
Headbracket of Joel 2:2 3:0 2:2 Headbracket of Joel (left)

Group N2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 9 3 0 0 12 0 12
Headbracket of Johnny Johnny 6 2 0 1 8 4 4
Nina 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Belia Čech Belia Čech 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Johnny Headbracket of Johnny (left)
Headbracket of Belia Čech 0:4 2:2 Headbracket of Belia Čech (left)
Headbracket of Humberto 4:0 4:0 4:0 Headbracket of Humberto (left)

Group O2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Fowell Fowell 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Guillermo Guillermo 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Rubí 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Finn 0 0 0 3 0 12 -12
Headbracket of Fowell Headbracket of Fowell (left)
Headbracket of Guillermo 2:2 Headbracket of Guillermo (left)
FIN 0:4 0:4 FIN
RBÍ 0:4 2:2 4:0 RBÍ

Group P2[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Mindy Mindy 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Endir 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Doan Doan 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Cameron 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Mindy Headbracket of Mindy (left)
Headbracket of Doan 0:4 Headbracket of Doan (left)
EDR 2:2 4:0 EDR
CMN 0:4 2:2 0:4 CMN

Third Stage[]


Pot 1
Pot 2
Pot 3
Pot 4
Headbracket of Allan Allan Headbracket of Loke Loke Gauck Tekla
Headbracket of Minerva Minerva Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl Bernal Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang
Headbracket of Rossy Rossy Headbracket of Vanessa Vanessa Aurora Headbracket of Santos Santos
Headbracket of Amy Amy Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori Headbracket of Roy Roy Headbracket of Humberto Humberto
Headbracket of Deano Deano Headbracket of Guillermo Guillermo Headbracket of Giovana Giovana Headbracket of Bruce Bruce
Headbracket of Johnny Johnny Dexter Endir Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy
Headbracket of Mindy Mindy Headbracket of Nye Nye Hawkins Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe
Headbracket of Fowell Fowell Vanna Stella Headbracket of Joel Joel

Group A3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Nye Nye 9 3 0 0 11 1 10
Headbracket of Giovana Giovana 6 2 0 1 9 3 6
Headbracket of Johnny Johnny 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Santos Santos 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Johnny Headbracket of Johnny (left)
Headbracket of Nye 4:0 Headbracket of Nye (left)
Headbracket of Giovana 4:0 1:3 Headbracket of Giovana (left)
Headbracket of Santos 2:2 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Santos (left)

Group B3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Rossy Rossy 7 2 1 0 9 3 6
Hawkins 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Headbracket of Joel Joel 2 0 2 1 5 7 -2
Dexter 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Rossy Headbracket of Rossy (left)
HWK 2:2 2:2 HWK
Headbracket of Joel 1:3 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Joel (left)

Group C3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 7 2 1 0 9 3 6
Headbracket of Allan Allan 4 1 1 1 7 5 2
Headbracket of Vanessa Vanessa 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Endir 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Allan Headbracket of Allan (left)
Headbracket of Vanessa 0:4 Headbracket of Vanessa (left)
EDR 2:2 2:2 EDR
Headbracket of Humberto 3:1 2:2 4:0 Headbracket of Humberto (left)

Group D3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Amy Amy 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Bernal 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Headbracket of Bruce Bruce 3 0 3 0 6 6 0
Headbracket of Amy Headbracket of Amy (left)
Headbracket of Xóchitl 2:2 Headbracket of Xóchitl (left)
BRN 2:2 2:2 BRN
Headbracket of Bruce 2:2 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Bruce (left)

Group E3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Gauck 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Fowell Fowell 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Vanna 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Fowell Headbracket of Fowell (left)
GUK 2:2 4:0 GUK
Headbracket of Kemmy 4:0 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Kemmy (left)

Group F3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Stella 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Deano Deano 4 1 1 1 6 6 0
Headbracket of Guillermo Guillermo 1 0 1 2 2 10 -8
Headbracket of Deano Headbracket of Deano (left)
Headbracket of Guillermo 0:4 Headbracket of Guillermo (left)
STL 2:2 0:4 STL
Headbracket of Wolfgang 0:4 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Wolfgang (left)

Group G3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Minerva Minerva 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Loke Loke 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Aurora 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Tekla 2 0 2 1 4 8 -4
Headbracket of Minerva Headbracket of Minerva (left)
Headbracket of Loke 2:2 Headbracket of Loke (left)
AUR 2:2 0:4 AUR
TKL 0:4 2:2 2:2 TKL

Group H3[]

Character Pts RW RT RL VF VA Dif
Headbracket of Mindy Mindy 7 2 1 0 10 2 8
Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori 5 1 2 0 8 4 4
Headbracket of Giuseppe Giuseppe 2 0 2 0 4 4 0
Headbracket of Roy Roy 1 0 1 1 2 6 -4
Headbracket of Mindy Headbracket of Mindy (left)
Headbracket of Captain Cori 2:2 Headbracket of Captain Cori (left)
Headbracket of Roy 0:4 0:4 Headbracket of Roy (left)
Headbracket of Giuseppe 0:4 2:2 2:2 Headbracket of Giuseppe (left)

Fourth Stage[]

  Eighterfinals Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
1°A  Headbracket of Nye Nye 4  
2°B  Hawkins 0  
  1°A  Headbracket of Nye Nye 1  
  1°C  Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 3  
1°C  Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 4
2°D  Headbracket of Xóchitl Xóchitl 0  
  1°C  Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 3  
  1°G  Headbracket of Minerva Minerva 1  
1°E  Gauck 2  
2°F  Headbracket of Wolfgang Wolfgang 2  
  1°E  Gauck 2
  1°G  Headbracket of Minerva Minerva 2  
1°G  Headbracket of Minerva Minerva 4
2°H  Headbracket of Captain Cori Captain Cori 0  
  1°C  Headbracket of Humberto Humberto 2
  2°C  Headbracket of Allan Allan 3
1°B  Headbracket of Rossy Rossy 2  
2°A  Headbracket of Giovana Giovana 2  
  1°B  Headbracket of Rossy Rossy 2
  2°C  Headbracket of Allan Allan 2  
1°D  Headbracket of Amy Amy 2
2°C  Headbracket of Allan Allan 2  
  2°C  Headbracket of Allan Allan 2
  2°E  Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 2  
1°F  Stella 0  
2°E  Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 4  
  2°E  Headbracket of Kemmy Kemmy 3
  1°H  Headbracket of Mindy Mindy 1  
1°H  Headbracket of Mindy Mindy 2
2°G  Headbracket of Loke Loke 2  
Headbracket of Allan
1.º Championship